
When I began coaching with Jon Rubenstein, I was aware that my work in social change, while meaningful, was draining me.  I worked from a very driven and high performance oriented part of myself, my worth hitched to outcomes and external validation. Difficulties and tensions easily threw me off center and triggered self-doubt.  Jon’s coaching has helped me recover a connection to an inner compass and resilient self, allowing me to access greater confidence, creativity and power within. I’ve experienced a strength and clarity of purpose that is transforming the way I show up as an organizer and facilitator.  I continue to witness new qualities emerge in my leadership as I navigate complex situations and dynamics. Jon’s coaching work would be a powerful source of support for any serious change leader.
— Alexa Bradley, Brooklyn , NY

As the leader and founder of my organization, I thought I had to show absolute and unwavering confidence in our vision and direction—I didn’t share my doubts with anyone. Jon Rubenstein’s deep experience with transformative social change and unique approach to personal growth was exactly the combination I needed to break through the beliefs and practices that were holding me back. Working with him has helped me to become more open and honest with others, and allowed me to develop greater trust in my colleagues and a more powerful shared leadership in our organization.”
— David Smathers Moore, Founder, Team Works Cooperative Network

Before working with Jon, I knew there was something keeping me from fully stepping into my own power and leadership, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Jon helped me see that I’d learned to rely heavily on my mind and rationalize my way out of being angry. This kept me from being assertive or confronting challenging situations head on. I’d learned to act in ways that were contradictory to who I wanted to be. Each session was like peeling a layer, and Jon was always open to where I needed to go, serving as a strong support mechanism in helping me be more true to myself. Now I feel more comfortable being bold as a leader and am becoming more true to what I want and need in my life.
— Fhatima Paulino, Lead Organizer, People Acting in Community Together (PACT), San Jose, CA

The amount of work I had to handle was overwhelming and non-stop. I was running a business that was not viable, and I was losing my patience and finding it too hard to cope with all the problems between myself and others. I really wanted the business to be sustainable. Working with Jon Rubenstein made everything simpler, and made the work much easier to handle. I learned to distinguish what was really important, and focus my energy on that. He also helped me develop ways of effectively communicating with co-workers and clients. Thanks to Jon’s guidance, my stress level went down, I repaired my work relationships, and I was able to achieve significant growth and create a viable business.”
— Chamorro Samoza, Former Manager, Team Works Cooperative Network

Our staff are our biggest resource, and I was really concerned about turnover. I wanted to help them work through whatever was getting in the way of them becoming more effective and reaching the next level. Jon’s coaching helped people overcome their obstacles, and one employee in particular took a huge step forward in her leadership in the organization. She became more outspoken, trusted her instincts, and took on more responsibility—freeing me up to focus on other aspects of the organization.
— Matt Hammer, Former Executive Director, People Acting in Community Together (PACT), San Jose, CA

Jon Rubenstein is a powerful and sensitive coach. He was my catalyst and guide through six months of subtle but undeniable growth. I’ve been a coach for over three years and have seldom witnessed another coach with such ability to cut through the noise, articulate the essential, and inspire the courage to change. The compassion of Jon’s presence combined with the rigor and depth of his training make him a true gift to the world of coaching.
— Michael Dolan, Founder, Truly Productive Leadership